The Greatest Fears?


June 7, 2022 - San Franciso, CA

Attendees Include

Peter Chestna

CISO, North America

Checkmarx Inc.


Pete Chestna serves as the CISO of North America at Checkmarx, where he provides customers and prospects with practical advice for building successful application security programs. Bringing more than 15 years of direct AppSec practitioner experience, Pete has held roles ranging from developer and development leader to his most recent position as the Global Head of AppSec for the Bank of Montreal. Over the years, Pete has led organizational transformations from Waterfall to Agile to DevOps and from monolith to microservice architectures. He is certified as both a scrum master and product owner. Stemming from his experience as both an avid practitioner and consultant, Pete has spoken internationally at numerous prominent security and developer conferences including DevOpsDays, All Day DevOps, OWASP AppSec, and DevSecCon. Pete has been granted 3 patents. He enjoys whiskey tourism, astronomy, model rocketry and listening to Rush in his spare time.

Larry Whiteside

Co-Founder & President



Larry Whiteside Jr. is a veteran CISO, former USAF Officer, and thought leader in the Cybersecurity field. He has 25+ years’ experience in building and running cybersecurity programs, holding C Level Security executive roles in multiple industries including DoD, Federal Government, Financial Services, Healthcare, and Critical Infrastructure. Larry currently serves as the Chief Technology Officer and Chief Security Officer at CyberClan, a full service Global Incident Response and Managed Security Services Provider for the small to medium sized business. Larry is also the Co-Founder, President, and on the Board of Directors at the International Consortium of Minority Cybersecurity Professionals (ICMCP), a 501(c)3 non-profit association that is dedicated to increase the number of minorities and women in the cybersecurity career field through providing workforce development that includes skills assessment, training, education, mentorship, and opportunity. Since 2009, via Whiteside Security, which he founded, Larry has advised several corporate security executives and companies across the cybersecurity industry on how to make Cyber Security a number one objective to their business. He has helped CEOs and board members of private cybersecurity companies achieve their goals in sales, marketing, and customer retention. Larry has spoken in front of C Level leadership and Board of Directors of some of the largest private and public sector organizations in America. A thought leader in the industry with extensive experience presenting at conferences such as the Gartner Security Summit, RSA Conference, and SC World Congress, Larry has been featured in many articles relating to information security and risk management. Larry received his Bachelor of Science degree in computer science at Huston-Tillotson University.

Richard Rushing




Mr. Richard Rushing is the Chief Information Security Officer for Motorola Mobility LLC.; Richard participates in several corporate, community, private, and government Security Council’s and working groups setting standards, policies, and solutions to current and emerging security issues. As Chief Information Security Officer for Motorola Mobility, he has led the security effort by developing an international team to tackle the emerging threats of mobile devices, targeted attacks, and cyber-crime. He organized developed and deployed practices, tools and techniques to protect the intellectual property across the worldwide enterprise. A much-in-demand international speaker on information security Richard has presented at many leading security conferences and seminars around the world.

June 7, 2022


All times Pacific Time

6:00 PM-9:00 PM

The Greatest Fears?

In the past year, software-driven organizations have faced some of the biggest challenges in order to keep pace with the digital transformation they are experiencing. As a result, moving to new software development methodologies like DevOps to speed time to market - while doing it securely - is now top of mind. The need to better serve clients digitally is imperative and software developers and AppSec teams are expected to deliver increasingly secure applications to do so. Therefore, CISO’s of software-driven organizations are being tasked with taking immediate actions to improve application security without slowing development and time to release.

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