The Future of Marketing

CX & CMO Think Tank

October 16, 2024 - Los Angeles, CA

Past and Present Visionaries

Michelle C (Filler) CBRE
Michelle Crecca

SVP Marketing


Think Tank Speaker

CBRE Group, Inc. operates as a commercial real estate services and investment company worldwide. It operates through Americas; Europe, Middle East and Africa; Asia Pacific; Global Investment Management; and Development Services segments. The company offers strategic advice and execution to owners, investors, and occupiers of real estate in connection with leasing; integrated property sales, and mortgage and structured financing services under the CBRE Capital Markets brand; and valuation services that include market value appraisals, litigation support, discounted cash flow analyses, and feasibility studies, as well as consulting services, such as property condition reports, hotel advisory, and environmental consulting. It also provides facilities management, project management, transaction management, and strategic consulting services to occupiers of real estate; and property management services comprising construction management, marketing, building engineering, accounting, and financial services for owners/investors in office, industrial, and retail properties. In addition, the company provides investment management services under the CBRE Global Investors brand to pension funds, insurance companies, sovereign wealth funds, foundations, endowments, and other institutional investors; and development services under the Trammell Crow Company brand name primarily to users of and investors in commercial real estate. CBRE Group, Inc. was founded in 1906 and is headquartered in Los Angeles.

Vildan O (Filler) Henkel
Vildan Oenpeker-Cerci

SVP, Marketing Consumer Brands (North America)


Think Tank Speaker

Founded in 1876, Henkel is a German chemical and consumer goods company. The company is organized into three globally operating business units, Laundry & Home Care, Beauty Care, Adhesive Technologies. The company does business worldwide and is headquartered in Düsseldorf, Germany.

October 16, 2024


All times Pacific Time

8:30 AM-9:00 AM


9:00 AM-9:30 AM

Morning Networking

9:30 AM-9:40 AM

Opening Remarks

9:40 AM-10:05 AM
Vision Voices Keynote

Shifting Customer Behaviors Amplify Uncertainty

Rapid advancements in technology and the growing importance of social media have led to significant changes in customer behavior. Customers now expect personalized experiences, instant gratification, and a seamless omnichannel experience. These changes have created new challenges for businesses, as they struggle to keep up with evolving customer demands while also adapting to shifting market conditions. Companies that fail to respond to these changes risk losing market share and falling behind their competitors.

10:10 AM-10:35 AM

Focus On Employer Branding And The Employee Experience

CMOs are focusing on employer branding and the employee experience as competition for top talent intensifies. A strong employer brand can help attract and retain top talent, while a positive employee experience can improve engagement and productivity. CMOs are taking a multifaceted approach to improving these areas, including developing a clear employer value proposition, investing in employee training and development, and creating a supportive work culture. CMOs are also leveraging technology and data analytics to continuously monitor and improve the employee experience. By prioritizing employer branding and the employee experience, CMOs can drive long-term business success.

10:35 AM-10:55 AM

Coffee Break

10:55 AM-11:10 AM
Vision Voices

Elevating Experiences: The CMO's Guide to Harnessing AI for Unparalleled Customer Engagement

Chief Marketing Officers (CMOs) need to explore the transformative impact of artificial intelligence on customer experience. In this dynamic discussion, we will unravel the strategic integration of AI technologies to not only meet but exceed customer expectations. Delve into practical insights on leveraging AI to personalize marketing strategies, optimize customer journeys, and create seamless, data-driven interactions. Discover how leading-edge AI applications can empower CMOs to cultivate deeper connections with their audience, foster brand loyalty, and drive marketing innovation in the ever-evolving digital landscape. This session is your gateway to unlocking the full potential of AI for unparalleled customer engagement and brand success.

11:15 AM-11:30 AM

So, What About The Metaverse?

The metaverse has been a hot topic in recent years, and it's not just for gamers anymore. As technology continues to advance, the possibility of a fully immersive virtual world becomes more and more feasible. This presents a unique opportunity for marketers to create entirely new customer experiences and engagement opportunities. However, it also poses challenges in terms of privacy, security, and ethical considerations. CMOs need to be aware of the potential of the metaverse and start thinking about how it could fit into their overall marketing strategy while also being mindful of these potential issues.

11:30 AM-12:30 PM

Lunch & Disruptor Showcase

12:10 PM-12:25 PM
Lunch & Disruptor Showcase

Revolutionizing Customer Journeys: Advanced Strategies for CMOs to Enhance and Optimize the Customer Experience

As the world continues to shift to an evolving mobile workforce and a digital world, it is crucial for CMOs to prioritize enhancing and optimizing the customer experience. With customers relying heavily on digital channels and remote interactions, the customer experience has become even more critical in driving engagement, loyalty, and ultimately, business growth. CMOs must leverage data analytics, digital technologies, and cross-functional collaboration to develop and execute customer-centric strategies that address evolving customer needs and preferences. By providing a seamless and personalized customer experience across all touchpoints, CMOs can build brand loyalty and trust in a post-pandemic world, driving long-term business success. In today's competitive landscape, the CMOs who successfully prioritize and enhance the customer experience will be the ones who thrive.

12:30 PM-12:45 PM
Vision Voices

Burdensome Cross-Functional Collaboration Yields Worse Organizational Outcomes

Cross-functional collaboration is essential for businesses to achieve their goals and drive growth. However, when collaboration is burdensome and poorly managed, it can lead to negative outcomes such as delays, miscommunication, and reduced productivity. This can ultimately harm the organization's bottom line and lead to employee dissatisfaction. To avoid these issues, companies must develop effective collaboration strategies that prioritize clear communication, goal alignment, and a shared vision.

12:50 PM-1:35 PM

Strategic Insights: Maximizing Revenue Streams through Digital Platform Monetization

Unlock the secrets to turning your digital presence into a lucrative venture with this session tailored for CMOs and marketers. Delve into a comprehensive exploration of diverse revenue models, cutting-edge customer engagement techniques, and data-driven strategies that empower businesses to seamlessly monetize their online platforms. Attendees will walk away with invaluable insights into innovative methods, positioning their brands for sustainable profitability and dynamic growth in the fiercely competitive digital marketplace.

1:35 PM-1:55 PM

Networking Break

1:55 PM-2:10 PM
Vision Voices

Disruptive Market Dynamics Erode Traditional Sources of Brand Value

The rise of disruptive technologies and changing consumer behavior has led to a shift in the sources of brand value. Traditional sources of brand value such as product quality and brand reputation are no longer enough to attract and retain customers. Instead, companies must focus on creating unique value propositions that resonate with their target audience. This requires a deep understanding of customer needs, effective communication strategies, and a willingness to innovate and experiment with new approaches. Companies that fail to adapt to these disruptive market dynamics risk losing relevance and market share.

2:15 PM-2:50 PM
Fireside Chat

Protect Advertising From Appearing Adjacent To Misinformation/Disinformation Content

In today's media landscape, the spread of misinformation and disinformation has become a major challenge for businesses. Not only does it pose reputational risks to brands, but it can also lead to financial losses. To address this issue, CMOs need to protect their advertising from appearing adjacent to such content by closely monitoring where their ads are being placed. They should also work with industry trade organizations, brand safety vendors, publishers, and advertising technology solutions to develop a comprehensive approach to brand safety. By doing so, CMOs can help safeguard their company's reputation and maintain consumer trust.

2:55 PM-3:10 PM

Seamless Collaboration Strategies: Navigating the Crossroads of Growth and Success

In the dynamic realm of marketing and brand advancement, cross-functional collaboration is the linchpin for achieving business objectives and propelling growth. However, the nuanced challenges faced by CMOs and marketers in managing collaboration can lead to detrimental outcomes such as delays, miscommunication, and reduced productivity. This session is tailored to empower marketing leaders, delving into the intricacies of effective collaboration strategies that prioritize crystal-clear communication, strategic alignment with marketing goals, and the cultivation of a shared vision. Join us to unravel the roadmap to successful collaboration, ensuring marketers steer clear of obstacles and drive their organizations toward prosperity in an ever-evolving landscape.

3:10 PM-3:30 PM

Networking Break

3:30 PM-3:45 PM
Vision Voices

Strategies for Leveraging Data Analytics in Marketing

CMOs can harness the power of data analytics to optimize marketing campaigns. This session delves into innovative strategies, best practices, and real-world examples, providing a platform for CMOs to share insights on utilizing data-driven approaches for enhanced marketing effectiveness and ROI

3:50 PM-4:05 PM

Embracing Omni-Channel Marketing: Navigating Seamless Customer Experiences Across Platforms

Dive into the realm of omni-channel marketing as CMOs and marketers discuss the intricacies of crafting cohesive customer experiences across diverse platforms. This session will explore strategies for seamless integration, personalized messaging, and data-driven insights to enhance customer engagement and loyalty in the ever-evolving landscape of multi-channel marketing.

4:10 PM-4:25 PM
Vision Voices

2024 New Age Strategies: Elevating Customer Experiences, Aligning Marketing Initiatives with Customer-Centric Approach

Explore innovative approaches to enhance customer experiences by aligning marketing strategies with a customer-centric mindset. This round table discussion will delve into proven strategies, emerging trends, and collaborative insights from CMOs and Customer Experience Leaders, fostering a dynamic exchange of ideas to drive meaningful connections and brand loyalty in today's competitive landscape.

4:25 PM-4:30 PM

Closing Remarks & Raffle Giveaway

4:30 PM-5:30 PM

Cocktail Reception